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Martin Kraetke, 22.12.2021 13:51

Document Structure

Minimal TeX Document

A minimal tex document that uses the transpect-tex Framework has the following structure:

\documentclass[book]{transpect}                              (1)
\usepackage[main=ngerman,bidi=basic,silent]{babel}           (2)
\babelprovide[import]{english}                               (3)
\babelprovide[import]{french}                                (4)
\usepackage[<opt>]{<verlagsstyle>}                           (5)
...                                                          (6)
\begin{document}                                             (7)
…                                                            (8)
\end{document}                                               (9)
  1. Document class
    • Document class name is always transpect.
    • Optional argument can be used to pass LaTeX-options such as a4paper, openright, twoside, etc.
    • and the document type:
      • "book"
      • "collection" for books with contributions from various authors
      • "article" for journal articles
  2. you can include the Babel package, in which the main language of the document is specified (main=<myBabelLanguage>)
  3. with \babelprovide{} you can specify aditionally used languages
  4. add an \babelprovide{<sprachname>} for each language
  5. Include the customer-specific style with the respective options
  6. the area between \documentclass[…]{…} and \begin{document} is the TeX preamble. Additional meta information (e.g. color definitions, parameters for the front cover, ...) may inserted here
  7. \begin{document} marks the start of the document
  8. Content
  9. anything after \end{document} is ignored.


The minimal order of the TeX files is shown below:

latex <main>.tex       ## first run: collect
latex <main>.tex       ## second run: read and apply aux, toc, lof, lot
latex <main>.tex       ## third run: update page numbers after including toc, lof, etc.
./ <main>      ## script to generate the index 
latex <main>.tex       ## fourth run: Index-Ausgabe, ggf. Aktualisierung toc für Index-ÜS
latex <main>.tex       ## fifth run: update toc 

Von Martin Kraetke vor etwa 3 Jahren aktualisiert · 2 Revisionen