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Patrick Schulz, 19.12.2024 14:16

Document Structure

Minimal TeX Document

A minimal tex document that uses the CoCoTeX Framework has the following structure:

\documentclass[<options>]{cocotex}                           (1)
\usepackage[<options>]{<publisher style>}                    (2)
...                                                          (3)
\begin{document}                                             (4)
…                                                            (5)
\end{document}                                               (6)
  1. Document class
    • Document class name is always cocotex.
    • Optional argument (stuff between [ and ], komma-separated) can be used to pass LaTeX-options such as a4paper, openright, twoside, etc.
    • the document type is given with the pubtype Option and one of the following values:
      • mono for monographs (i.e., books that are in its entirety written by the same Author(s))
      • collection for books with contributions/chapters from various authors
      • article for journal articles
      • journal for entire journals, i.e., collection of articles
    • Languages:
      • main=<name> is the main language of the document, this controlls the language of the document-wide meta data, the imprint, headings of fixed document parts (ToC, Index), etc. (Note: in previous versions, there was an additional lang-id= option which set the document language for accessibility purposes. This is now determined automatically from the main option.)
      • other languages that are used throughout the document need to be listed as simple komma-separated entries, e.g., ngerman (German with new spelling rules), french, etc.
      • Langauges that use their own script systems need to be listed in usescript={…}, e.g., usescript={hebrew,greek,chinese,syriac}
    • If endnotes should be used instead of footnotes, use endnotes
      • if the endnotes Chapters (or sections) should not appear in the ToC, use ennotoc
      • If the endnotes should repeat the chapter headings, use endnoteswithchapters
      • If footnote and/or endnote counters should be reset with each chapter, set resetnotesperchapter
    • PDF Standard and Versions
      • the PDF Standard and PDF Version are set with the pdf-standard=Z option, where Z can be one of: A-1B, A-1A, A-2B, A-2A, A-2U, A-3B, A-3A, A-3U, A-4, X-3, X-4, X-4P, X-5G, X-5N, X-5PG, X-6, X-6N, X-6P, UA-1, or UA-2.
      • The PDF Version that is generated from each of the options can be seen in the table below.
      • UA-1 and UA-2 enable the accessibility features
      • The X-Standards cause hyperref macros (\href, \url, \hyperlink, etc.) to be functionally disabled, i.e., they can be used in the tex file but they cause no hyperlinks in the resulting PDF file.
  2. Include the customer-specific style with the respective options
  3. the area between \documentclass[…]{…} and \begin{document} is the TeX preamble. Additional meta information (e.g. color definitions, parameters for the front cover, the tpMeta-Environment, ...) may inserted here
  4. \begin{document} marks the start of the document
  5. Content
  6. anything after \end{document} is ignored.
PDF standard PDF version
UA-1 1.7
UA-2 2.0
A-1.* 1.4
A-[23].* 1.7
A-4.* 2.0
X-[123].* 1.4
X-[45].* 1.6
X-6.* 2.0


The minimal order of the TeX files is shown below:

latex <main>.tex       ## first run: collect
latex <main>.tex       ## second run: read and apply aux, toc, lof, lot
latex <main>.tex       ## third run: update page numbers after including toc, lof, etc.
./ <main>      ## script to generate the index 
latex <main>.tex       ## fourth run: Index-Ausgabe, ggf. Aktualisierung toc für Index-ÜS
latex <main>.tex       ## fifth run: update toc 

Von Patrick Schulz vor 2 Monaten aktualisiert · 5 Revisionen