



Figures » Historie » Revision 1

Revision 1/4 | Weiter »
Martin Kraetke, 22.12.2021 16:25


TeX Fundamentals

The following image formats are not supported by TeX and must be converted to PDF or PNG in a discrete image conversion.

  • .tif, .tiff
  • .svg

The image formats below are supported by TeX and should be used.

  • .jpg, .jpeg
  • .pdf
  • .png
  • .eps

Images in transpect-tex framework (transpect-floats.dtx)

Individual images


  \tpLegend{<additional caption>}
  \tpNumber{<number override>}
  \tpFig{\includegraphics[<options>]{<path to image>}}
  • <options> comma-separated list of key-value pairs. The syntax is <attribute>=<value> or <attribute>={<value>}, if <value> contains "=" or "," (optional):
    • float-pos
      • if the attribute is missing or <value> is empty, the image is fixed to the location in the text (not floating)
      • t top
      • b bottom
      • h if image fits to the page, its placed non-floating otherwise top on the next page
      • p image is placed on a blank page
    • class
      • layout class of the float object
  • \tpCaption{} Caption
  • \tpSource{} Source
  • \tpLegend{} Additional caption
  • \tpNumber{} Override for automatic numbering, should include prefix eg. "Fig. 10", "Figure 1.2" etc.
  • \tpFig{} Reference to the image file \includegraphics[<options>]{<path>}


If a floating object should span over two columns in the two-column sentence, an * is added to the end of the environment name. The float-pos attribute must then also be specified (and must not be empty), since two-column objects always are float objects in TeX.

Ein seitenbreites Bild wäre demnach


Ohne die * wird das Bild in einer einzelnen Spalte platziert.

Die übrigen Parameter sind dieselben wie im einspaltigen Satz, oben.

komplexe Abbildungen

Mehrere Bilder unter einer Caption


Mehrere Bilder mit separaten Captions


Von Martin Kraetke vor mehr als 2 Jahren aktualisiert · 1 Revisionen