


Figures » Historie » Revision 3

Revision 2 (Martin Kraetke, 22.12.2021 16:35) → Revision 3/4 (Martin Kraetke, 22.12.2021 16:36)

h1. Figures 


 h2. TeX Fundamentals 

 The following image formats are not supported by TeX and must be converted to PDF or PNG in a discrete image conversion. 

 * @.tif@, @.tiff@ 
 * @.svg@ 

 The image formats below are supported by TeX and should be used. 

 * @.jpg@, @.jpeg@ 
 * @.pdf@ 
 * @.png@ 
 * @.eps@ 

 h2. Images in transpect-tex framework ("transpect-floats.dtx": 

 h3. Individual images 

 h4. Single-column 

 <pre><code class="text"> 
   \tpLegend{<additional caption>} 
   \tpNumber{<number override>} 
   \tpFig{\includegraphics[<options>]{<path to image>}} 

 * @<options>@ comma-separated list of key-value pairs. The syntax is @<attribute>=<value>@ or @<attribute>={<value>}@, if @<value>@ contains "@=@" or "@,@" (optional): 
 ** @float-pos@ 
 *** if the attribute is missing or @<value>@ is empty, the image is fixed to the location in the text (not floating) 
 *** t top 
 *** b bottom 
 *** h if image fits to the page, its placed non-floating otherwise top on the next page 
 *** p image is placed on a blank page 
 ** @class@ 
 *** layout class of the float object 
 * @\tpCaption{}@ Caption 
 * @\tpSource{}@ Source  
 * @\tpLegend{}@ Additional caption 
 * @\tpNumber{}@ Override for automatic numbering, should include prefix eg. "Fig. 10", "Figure 1.2" etc. 
 * @\tpFig{}@ Reference to the image file @\includegraphics[<options>]{<path>}@ 

 h4. Two-column 

 If a floating object should span over two columns in the two-column sentence, an asterisk @*@ is added to the end of the environment name. The @float-pos@ attribute must then also be specified (and must not be empty), since two-column objects always are float objects in TeX.  

 An example for an image with page width 

 <pre><code class="text"> 

 Without the asterisk (@*@), the image would be placed in a single column. The other parameters are identical to one-column figures. 


 h3. Complex Figures komplexe Abbildungen 

 h4. Multiple Figures with one caption Mehrere Bilder unter einer Caption 

 <pre><code class="text"> 
   \tpLegend{<legend>} \tpLegend{<Legende>} 
   \tpNumber{<counter>} \tpNumber{<Counter>} 
     \tpFig{\includegraphics[<options>]{<path>}} \tpFig{\includegraphics[<optionen>]{<pfad>}} 
     \tpFig{\includegraphics[<options>]{<path>}} \tpFig{\includegraphics[<optionen>]{<pfad>}} 

 h4. Multiple figures with separate captions Mehrere Bilder mit separaten Captions 

 <pre><code class="text"> 
     \tpLegend{<legend>} \tpLegend{<Legende>} 
     \tpNumber{<counter>} \tpNumber{<Counter>} 
     \tpFig{\includegraphics[<optionen>]{<path>}} \tpFig{\includegraphics[<optionen>]{<pfad>}} 
     \tpLegend{<legende>} \tpLegend{<Legende>} 
     \tpNumber{<counter>} \tpNumber{<Counter>} 