



Fonts For Non-Latin Script Systems

The fallback fonts for foreign script systems are stored in a separated repository

Folder structure

The folder where the tex-Rendering takes place, needs to have the following generalized structure:

<render folder>
  |– fonts
  |     |– Noto
  |     |     |– Sans
  |     |     |    |– NotoSans-Regular.ttf
  |     |     |    |– NotoSans-Bold.ttf
  |     |     |    |– (etc.)
  |     |     |– Serif
  |     |     |    |– NotoSerif-Regular.ttf
  |     |     |    |– NotoSerif-Bold.ttf
  |     |     |    |– (etc.)
  |     |     |– <further Noto fallback fonts>
  |     |– Junicode
  |     |     |– Junicode.ttf
  |     |     |– Junicode-Bold.ttf
  |     |     |– Junicode-Italic.ttf
  |     |     |– Junicode-BoldItalic.ttf
  |     |– <further publisher specific font folders>
  |– logos
  |     |– <publisher logo>
  |     |– <creative commons licence logos>
  |– <publisher>.sty
  |– cocotex.cls
  |– coco-script.cls
  |– <further coco-xyz.sty>
  |– <further skripts and configuration files>
  |– <document-to-render>.tex

Mandatory and Optional Common Fallback Fonts

The following font folders from the xerif-fonts repository need to be copied for all projects as they are global fallbacks and are loaded automatically, whether they are actually needed or not:

  • ./Noto/Sans/
  • ./Noto/Serif/
  • ./Junicode/

If they are missing, LaTeX will throw error messages!

The Noto folder of the xerif-fonts repository also contains language specific Noto variants, like Noto/Hebrew, Noto/Arabic and so forth. They need to be copied iff
  • the language occurs in the document options in the argument of the script option
    • if, for instance, the document class in the tex file reads
      then the folders Noto/Arabic and Noto/Hebrew need to be copied, as well, unless
  • a publisher selects a different fallback font for certain script systems
    • Transcript, for instance, selects SBL-Hebrew over Noto/Hebrew; in this case, for transcript projects, the SBL/Hebrew folder (which is also included in the xerif-fonts repository) needs to be copied, instead of the Noto/Hebrew folder.

Publisher Specific Fonts

While the xerif-fonts repository is considered global and available to all projects, some publisher repositories contain their own fonts folder. The fonts and folders in this directory also need to be copied into the fonts folder of the rendering project.

Publisher fonts always take priority over the common xerif-fonts

Symbolic Links

It is not necessary to physically copy all needed font files into the fonts sub-directory. When they are stored globally at a different location, they can be linked into the fonts folder, e.g.:

$ ls -l fonts/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 user group 57 2023-06-21 09:00 Alegreya -> /data/fonts/Alegreya/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 user group 57 2023-06-21 09:00 Noto/Sans -> /data/fonts/Noto/Sans/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 user group 57 2023-06-21 09:00 Noto/Serif -> /data/fonts/Noto/Serif/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 user group 57 2023-06-21 09:00 Junicode -> /data/fonts/Junicode/

Von Patrick Schulz vor etwa 1 Jahr aktualisiert · 4 Revisionen