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Martin Kraetke, 17.04.2024 16:44

Page Wrap and Hyphenation

Even though xerif is an automatic typesetting system, it is still necessary to intervene in the pagination. However, you should be aware that excessive intervention in the pagination may lead to unsightly results elsewhere. In addition, xerif is not intended for "manual typesetting" and is not as efficient as DTP typesetting programs such as Adobe InDesign or Affinity Publisher.

There are various ways to change the pagination manually.

Wrapping commands

With Microsoft Word's on-board tools, you can already control the pagination to a certain extent:

Word symbol (Unicode) Description Key combination
° (U+00A0) protected space Ctrl + Shift + Space
¬ (U+00AD) conditional hyphen Ctrl + -
- (U+00A0) protected hyphen Ctrl + Shift + _
Soft Return Shift + Enter
Page break Ctrl + Enter

Processing instructions

xerif comes with so-called processing instructions: These are commands that are carried by Word up to the page break. The PI must be inserted in Word and assigned the PI format:

PI (Unicode) Description
+1 Extend paragraph by 1 line
-1 Catch up paragraph by 1 line
(U+21A1) Page break but fills up line


xerif uses language-specific hyphenation patterns according to which hyphenation is carried out. However, these hyphenation patterns may not achieve the desired results for certain words. Therefore xerif also supports hyphenation lists. These are text files which store the desired hyphenation for a word, e.g.

=== hyph-en.txt ===

You can also upload title-specific hyphenation patterns. These must be uploaded and versioned in the form {$filename}-hyph-{$languagecode}.txt (e.g. brill_521922_Mihalik-hyph-en.txt). The exact file naming convention may differ, as this depends on the customer-specific naming conventions and you should coordinate this with your contact person.

Von Martin Kraetke vor 5 Monaten aktualisiert · 3 Revisionen