



Title Pages » Historie » Revision 4

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Martin Kraetke, 27.01.2022 14:01

Title Pages

Should be included in tpMeta environment before \begin{document}.


The actual title pages are generated with \tpMaketitle after \begin{document}.


General Markup

All names are placed in their respective environment.

Environment Description
tpAuthor Author (monographies)
tpEditor Editor (collections)
tpSeriesEditor Series editor

The person metadata is encoded with the following instructions:

Command Description
\tpFullName{} used for the full names, overrides the other name commands below
\tpSurName{} surname
\tpFirstName{} first name
\tpMidName{} middle name
\tpAffilID{} affiliation identifier
\tpMail{} email address
\tpBio{} person biography




Individual Names

Separately tagged parts of the name are combined (depending on the client configuration) and encoded with the \tpFullName instruction. This can also be assigned directly and thus also serves as an override for the output of individual names.

Name lists

Based upon the individual names, name lists are generated in the title pages. They can be overwritten within the tpMeta-environment:


z.B. würde
    \tpFullName{Ursula Renner}
    \tpFullName{Maxi Musterfrau}

This generates the text Ursula Renner and Maxi Musterfrau (Eds.) which can be changed to Renner & Musterfrau (Eds.) with the instruction below:

\tpEditorNameList{Renner \& Musterfrau}

The editor suffix (Eds.) is generated by the publisher's style and is appended to both the generated name list and editor and series editor. If this behavior has to be changed individually, the complete information can be overwritten with the following instruction:




Funding Statement

Individual sponsors are combined into separate tpFunding environments within the tpMeta environment. The funding information is tagged individually:

Command Description
\tpFundName{} complete name of the institution
\tpFundLogo{} path to the logo of the funding institution

Additionally there are two funder-related instructions which need to be placed below tpMeta:

Command Description
\tpFundingPreText{} text before the funding statement
\tpFundingPostText{} text below the funding statement


  \tpFundingPreText{This book was sponsored by:}
  \tpFundingPostText{Further information about the project can be found at}
    \tpFundName{Anytown Author Fund}
    \tpFundName{Jane Doe Research Fund}

General Metadata

Command Description
\tpSubtitle{} Subtitle
\tpTitle{} Regular book title
\tpShortTitle{} Short book title, used for running headers
\tpCover{} Path to cover image
\tpNumber{} Series number
\tpSeries{} Series title
\tpSubSeries{} Series subtitle
\tpVolume{} Volume
\tpPublisher{} Publisher name
\tpPubDivision{} Publisher imprint name
\tpPubDivInfo{} Publisher imprint information
\tpPubLogo{} Path to publisher logo
\tpPubNote{} Additional information about publisher
\tpPubPlace{} Publisher location
\tpPubWeb{} Publisher homepage
Publication Meta
\tpDOI{} DOI
\tpISBN{} Print-ISBN
\tpEISBN{} Ebook-ISBN
\tpEpubPreText{} Text between ISBN and eISBN
\tpDedication{} Dedication
\tpAcknowledgements{} note of thanks
\tpEditorial{} Editorial
\tpEdition{} Edition (e.g. "3rd revised edition")
\tpEditionNote{} Edition note (e.g. "Anniversary edition")
\tpYear{} Year of publication
\tpStatement{} Publication statement
\tpBiblio{} Bibliographical information
\tpPrintNote{} Print note
\tpEnvDisclaimer{} Environmental note
Contributor Meta
\tpLectorate{} Lector
\tpTranslator{} Translater
\tpQA{} Correctorate, Copy-Editing
\tpCoverDesign{} Cover Art Name or Creator
\tpCoverImage{} Path to cover image
\tpUsedFont{} Main book font(s)
\tpTypesetter{} Typesetter
\tpPrint{} Printer
\tpConversion{} Converter
\tpCopyrightDisclaimer{} Copyright-Disclaimer
\tpCopyright{} Copyright Text
\tpLicenceLogo{} License logo
\tpLicenceText{} License description
\tpLicenceLink{} License URL
\tpLicenceName{} License name, e.g. "CC BY 3.0 DE"
\tpAuthorNameList{} Override for generated author name list
\tpEditorNameList{} Override for generated editor name list
\tpEditorString{} Override for editor suffix
\tpSeriesEditorNameList{} Override for generated series editor list
\tpSeriesEditorString{} Override for series editor suffix





  \tpTitle{Die anderen Gurlitts}
  \tpSubtitle{Unterwegs zu einer Familiengeschichte}
    \tpFullName{Ursula Renner}
  \tpISBN{ISBN 9783534404650}
  \tpEISBN{eBook (PDF): 9783534404674}
  \tpEpubPreText{Elektronisch sind folgende Ausgaben erhältlich:}
  \tpPublisher{wbg (Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft)}
  \tpPubDivision{wbg Academic}
  \tpPubDivInfo{wbg Academic ist ein imprint der wbg}
  \tpPubNote{Die Herausgabe des Werkes wurde durch die\\
    Vereinsmitglieder der wbg ermöglicht.}
  \tpPubWeb{Besuchen Sie uns im Internet:}
  \tpPrintNote{Printed in Germany}
  \tpEnvDisclaimer{Gedruckt auf säurefreiem und\\alterungsbeständigem Papier.}
  \tpBiblio{Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation\\
    in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische\\
    Daten sind im Internet über \url{} abrufbar.}




Von Martin Kraetke vor etwa 3 Jahren aktualisiert · 4 Revisionen