



Accessibiliy Features » Historie » Revision 3

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Patrick Schulz, 16.09.2024 12:28

Accessibiliy Features

XMP Meta Data

PDF/UA requires meta data to be embedded into the PDF file. CoCoTeX provides two ways to do that: If the TeX run does not find a xmp file that has the same basename as the .tex document, it generates one from the data in the tpMeta environment. If there is a .xmp file (either because it was there from the beginning, or it was generated during a previous tex run), it includes that one. If the xmp file is to be generated by the converter, make sure to use the attached template.xmp (see below) and include the document specific meta data in line 24 instead of the comment.

Important: Don't remove anything in that template, especially not the PIs at the beginning and end, and the blank spaces at the bottom if the template!

Also be cautious where to use rdf:Bag, rdf:Alt and rdf:Seq!

Use the following XML tags for meta data:


is a list of the document's main authors or edtiors, one per line:

    <rdf:li>Firstname Lastname</rdf:li>
    <rdf:li>Firstname Lastname</rdf:li>

Document Title

There can be more than one document title for various languages. The displayed title (e.g. in the pdf viewer window's top line) depends on the selected system language

    <rdf:li xml:lang="x-default">Default title</rdf:li>


    <rdf:li>Publisher Name</rdf:li>

Chapter authors/Contributors

    <rdf:li>Firstname Lastname</rdf:li>
    <rdf:li>Firstname Midname Lastname</rdf:li>


Like dc:title, dc:description allows multiple entries for different languages.

    <rdf:li xml:lang="x-default">...</rdf:li>


    <rdf:li>keyword 1</rdf:li>
    <rdf:li>keyword 2</rdf:li>


    <rdf:li xml:lang="x-default">Unless otherwise indicated, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International. This does not apply to quoted content and works based on other permissions.</rdf:li>

Von Patrick Schulz vor 5 Monaten aktualisiert · 3 Revisionen