


Fonts For Non-Latin Script Systems » Historie » Revision 3

Revision 2 (Patrick Schulz, 21.06.2023 11:37) → Revision 3/4 (Patrick Schulz, 21.06.2023 11:56)

h1. Fonts For Non-Latin Script Systems 

 The fallback fonts for foreign script systems are stored in a "separated repository": 
 h2. Folder structure 

 The folder where the tex-Rendering takes place, needs to have the following generalized structure: 
 <render folder> 
   |– fonts 
   |       |– Noto 
   |       |       |– Sans 
   |       |       |      |– NotoSans-Regular.ttf 
   |       |       |      |– NotoSans-Bold.ttf 
   |       |       |      |– (etc.) 
   |       |       |– Serif 
   |       |       |      |– NotoSerif-Regular.ttf 
   |       |       |      |– NotoSerif-Bold.ttf 
   |       |       |      |– (etc.) 
   |       |       |– <further Noto fallback fonts> 
   |       |– Junicode 
   |       |       |– Junicode.ttf 
   |       |       |– Junicode-Bold.ttf 
   |       |       |– Junicode-Italic.ttf 
   |       |       |– Junicode-BoldItalic.ttf 
   |       |– <further publisher specific font folders> 
   |– logos 
   |       |– <publisher logo> 
   |       |– <creative commons licence logos> 
   |– <publisher>.sty 
   |– cocotex.cls 
   |– coco-script.cls 
   |– <further coco-xyz.sty> 
   |– <further skripts and configuration files> 
   |– <document-to-render>.tex 


 h2. Mandatory and Optional Common Fallback Fonts 

 The following font folders from the @xerif-fonts@ repository need to be copied *for all projects* as they are *global* fallbacks and are loaded automatically, whether they are actually needed or not: 

 * @./Noto/Sans/@ 
 * @./Noto/Serif/@ 
 * @./Junicode/@ 

 If they are missing, LaTeX *will* throw error messages! 

 The "Noto [Noto folder of the xerif-fonts repository": repository]( also contains language specific Noto variants, like `Noto/Hebrew`, `Noto/Arabic` and so forth. They need to be copied iff 
 * the language occurs in the document options in the argument of the script option 
 ** if, for instance, the document class in the tex file reads<pre>\documentclass[…,script={Arabic,Hebrew}]{cocotex}</pre>then the folders @Noto/Arabic@ and @Noto/Hebrew@ need to be copied, as well, **unless** 
 * a publisher selects a different fallback font for certain script systems 
 ** Transcript, for instance, selects SBL-Hebrew over Noto/Hebrew; in this case, for transcript projects, the @SBL/Hebrew@ folder (which is also included in the @xerif-fonts@ repository) needs to be copied, instead of the @Noto/Hebrew@ folder. 


 h2. Publisher Specific Fonts 

 While the xerif-fonts repository is considered global and available to all projects, some publisher repositories contain their own @fonts@ folder. The fonts and folders in this directory also need to be copied into the @fonts@ folder of the rendering project.  

 **Publisher fonts always take priority over the common xerif-fonts** 

 h2. Symbolic Links 

 It is not necessary to physically copy all needed font files into the @fonts@ sub-directory. When they are stored globally at a different location, they can be linked into the @fonts@ folder, e.g.: 
 <pre>$ ls -l fonts/ 
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 user group 57 2023-06-21 09:00 Alegreya -> /data/fonts/Alegreya/ 
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 user group 57 2023-06-21 09:00 Noto/Sans -> /data/fonts/Noto/Sans/ 
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 user group 57 2023-06-21 09:00 Noto/Serif -> /data/fonts/Noto/Serif/ 
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 user group 57 2023-06-21 09:00 Junicode -> /data/fonts/Junicode/ 