


Template Styles » Historie » Revision 18

Revision 17 (Martin Kraetke, 09.11.2022 16:09) → Revision 18/19 (Martin Kraetke, 19.04.2024 12:58)

h1. Template Styles 


 h2. Prefix 

 All style names contain a prefix that represents the publisher and is separated by an underscore. The table below shows only the style name without the prefix. The prefix is part of the customer-specific configuration. 

 * Prefix for publisher (1-3 characters): e.g. @ts@ for _transcript publishers_ 
 * Full style name for @heading_1@: @ts_heading_1@ 

 h2. Style Names 

 h3. Headings 

 The numbering of the headings is taken from the Word file, since authors sometimes use very heterogeneous numbering schemes. Therefore, one must watch out for numbering errors in the manuscript. The standard styles for headings from Word are also evaluated, whereby @Heading 1@ corresponds to the style @heading_part@, @Heading 2@ corresponds to @heading_1@ etc. 

 |_. Common Name |_. Style Name |_. Description |_. TeX | 
 | book title | @book_title@ | Book title|    @\title{...}@ | 
 |\4=.                                               | 
 | part | @heading_part@ | Teil | \begin{heading}{part} | 
 |\4=.                                               | 
 | chapter | @heading_1@ | chapter, Überschrift 1. Ordnung    | \begin{heading}{chapter}... | 
 | chapter subheading | @subheading_1@ | subheading für chapter/Überschrift 2. Ordnung     | @\tpSubTitle{...}@ | 
 | chapter author | @author@ | chapter author | @\tpAuthor{...}@ | 
 | chapter author biography | @author_description@ | author biography included in a chapter | @\tpBio@ | 
 | chapter epigraph | @epigraph@, @epigraph@ | epigraph at chapter start | @\tpQuote{...}@ | 
 | chapter epigraph source | @epigraph_source@, @epigraph_source@ | source or author of epigraph |     | 
 |\4=.                                               | 
 | section 1. level | @heading_2@ | | @\begin{heading}{section}...@ | 
 | section 1. level subheading | @subheading_2@ | subheading | | 
 | section epigraph | @epigraph@ | section epigraph |    @\tpQuote{...}@ | 
 |\4=.                                               | 
 | section 2. level | @heading_3@ |    @\\begin{heading}{subsection}{...}@ | 
 | section 2. level subheading    | @subheading_3@ | subheading | | 
 |\4=.                                               | 
 | section 3. level | @heading_4@ | | @\begin{heading}{subsubsection}...@ | 
 | section 3. level subheading    | @subheading_4@ | subheading |    | 
 |\4=.                                               | 
 | section 4. level | @heading_5@ | | @\begin{heading}{paragraph}...@ | 
 | section 4. level subheading    | @subheading_5@ | subheading |    | 
 |\4=.                                               | 
 | bridgehead | @headword@ | bridgehead, not included in ToC | @\subparagraph{...}@ | 
 | frontmatter 1. level | @frontmatter_1@ | Frontmatter section | | 
 | frontmatter 2. level | @frontmatter_2@ | Frontmatter section | | 
 | frontmatter 3. level | @frontmatter_3@ | Frontmatter section | | 
 | frontmatter 4. level | @frontmatter_4@ | Frontmatter section | | 
 | frontmatter 5. level | @frontmatter_5@ | Frontmatter section | | 
 | backmatter 1. level | @backmatter_1@ | Backmatter section | | 
 | backmatter 2. level | @backmatter_2@ | Backmatter section | | 
 | backmatter 3. level | @backmatter_3@ | Backmatter section | | 
 | backmatter 4. level | @backmatter_4@ | Backmatter section | | 
 | backmatter 5. level | @backmatter_5@ | Backmatter section | | 

 h3. Running Headers 

 Running headers are automatically generated depending on the layout and the customer-specific configuration. If individual or shortened running headers are required, the following style can be used after the part, chapter or section heading.  

 |_. Common Name |_. Style Name |_. Description |_. TeX | 
 | running header short | @headline_short@ | override for automatically generated running header. | @\chaptermark{}@ | 

 h3. Figures 

 Figures must be placed in a separate paragraph with a specific paragraph style. There must not be text in the paragraph. For each additional image, a separate paragraph must be used. Figure captions and caption source must be set below the image in separate paragraphs. 

 |_. Common Name |_. Style Name |_. Description |_. TeX | 
 | Figure | @figure@ | Figure | @\begin{tpFigure}[<options>] 
 \end{tpFigure}@ | 
 |_\4=. multiple figures with specific layouts | 
 | figure (layout A) | @figure_A${Zahl}@ | image with ${number} 1 to 3 images side by side column width | @\begin{tpFigure}[class=a]@    | 
 | figure (layout B) | @figure_B${Zahl}@ | image with ${number} 1 to 3 images side by side with margin | @\begin{tpFigure}[class=b]@ | 
 | figure (layout C) | @figure_C${Zahl}@ | image with ${number} 1 to 3 images side by side with more margin     | @\begin{tpFigure}[class=c]@ | 
 |\4=.                                               | 
 | caption | @figure_caption@ | caption or description of the image |     @\tpCaption{...}@ | 
 | caption source | @figure_source@ | information about creator, copyright or other content which is different from the caption |    @\tpSource{...}@ | 

 h3. Tables 

 Tables are created with the Word default function. Table cell borders and background colors, row and column spans are kept for the output. For rotated tables, you need to apply a specific style. Tables can either be rotated or continued over several pages.  

 |_. Common Name |_. Style Name |_. Description |_. TeX | 
 | Table Header | @table_header@ | Paragraph style for table headers. Needs to be applied in the table cell |    |  
 | Caption | @table_caption@ | Title or caption of the table |    |  
 | Source | @table_source@ | Additional information that is placed below the table |    |   
 | rotated table | @table_rotated@ | style needs to be applied on the paragraph before the table |    |   
 | continued table | @table_pagewrap@ | style needs to be applied on the paragraph before the table |    |   

 h3. Lists 

 Simple and numbered lists are heuristically detected by list marker and indent. Description lists like lists of abbreviations have a specific style. Description lists require that a single tab is placed between definition term and description. 

 |_. Common Name |_. Style Name |_. Description |_. TeX | 
 | description list | @abbreviations@ | list of abbreviations |    @\begin{description} \item[begriff] ... \end{description}@    | 

 h3. Long Quotations 

 Several consecutive citation paragraphs are combined automatically in a long citation environment.  

 |_. Common Name |_. Style Name |_. Description |_. TeX | 
 | citation | @quotation@ | citation wrapper |    @\begin{quotation}...\end{quotation}@    | 

 h3. Dialogues 

 Several consecutive paragraphs that contain the dialog style are combined in a dialog wrapper. The speaker is automatically identified using a tactical symbol, usually a colon. The paragraph must begin with the speaker name.  

 |_. Common Name |_. Style Name |_. Description |_. TeX | 
 | dialog | @dialogue@ | Dialog-Absatz |     @\begin{dialogue}...\end{dialogue}@    | 
 | speaker | colon: after speaker | speaker |    @\item[speaker] ...@    | 

 h3. Boxes 

 The beginning and the end of a box are each marked with specific paragraph styles for start end. No other text should appear in this paragraph, since they are removed in the process. 

 |_. Common Name |_. Style Name |_. Description |_. TeX | 
 | box with border start | @box_border_start@ | start marker of box with border | @\begin{kastenlinie}...@    | 
 | box with border end | @box_border_end@ | end marker of box with border | @...\end{kastenlinie}@    | 
 | box grey start | @box_grey_start@ | start marker of box with grey background | @\begin{kastengrau}...@    | 
 | box grey end | @box_grey_end@ | end marker of box with grey background    | @...\end{kastengrau}@    | 

 h3. Equations 

 Equations are automatically detected and converted to the proper markup. If you want to markup a simple text paragraph that may contain an equation as  

 |_. Common Name |_. Style Name |_. Description |_. TeX | 
 | Equation paragraph | @formula@ | paragraph that contains equation | @\begin{equation}...\end{equation}@    | 

 h3. Dedication 

 |_. Common Name |_. Style Name |_. Description |_. TeX | 
 | Dedication | @dedication@ | Dedication |    @\dedication@    | 

 h3. Letter 

 |_. Common Name |_. Style Name |_. Description |_. TeX | 
 | Letter paragraph | @letter@ | paragraph of a letter | @\begin{letter}...\end{letter}@    | 
 | Letter paragraph with margin before | @letter_spacing@ | letter paragraph with margin before | @\item@    | 

 *Example:* before @\item@ and at the end there should be no @\\@ 

 |_. HUB-XML |<pre> 
 <div role="letter"> 
   <para role="letter">Dear John Doe</para> 
   <para role="letter_spacing">Here I am writing to you today</para> 
   <para role="letter">and hope this and that.</para> 
   <para role="letter">Give Jane my best regards.</para> 
 </div></pre> | 
 |_. TeX | <pre>\begin{letter} 
   Dear John Doe, 
 \item Here I am writing to you today \\ 
   and hope this and that.\\ 
   Give Jane my best regards. 
 </pre> | 
 |_. PDF| <pre> 
   Dear John Doe, 

   Here I am writing to you today 
   and hope this and that. 
   Give Jane my best regards.</pre> | 

 h3. Bibliography 

 A bibliography consists of consecutive paragraphs with references to literature. The paragraphs must be marked with the same style. If there is a regular heading above, this is automatically set as the heading of the bibliography.  

 |_. Common Name |_. Style Name |_. Description |_. TeX | 
 | literature | @literature@ | bibliographical reference | @\bibitem@    | 

 h3. Index  

 Indices can be created in the following four ways, which can also be combined. 

 h4. (1) Word index function  

 Index entries can be made for selected words in the Word ribbon @References@. Mark a word and click the @Mark Entry@ button. Further information can be found in the "Microsoft Word documentation": 

 h4. (2) Marking of index terms via character format 

 Index entries can be specified by marking up words or phrases with the @index_mark@ format. Index entries that have already been coded with the Word index function are ignored.  

 h4. (3) Insert a concordance list of index entries  

 Index entries can be automatically encoded using a concordance list. To do this, a list of index entries must be added at the end of the document. Wherever in the rest of the document words or phrases from this list are found, an index entry is automatically encoded. An index entry with the paragraph format @index_list@ must be used for this. Each entry must be in a separate paragraph. Index entries that have already been coded with the Word index function or via the @index@ character format are ignored. 

 h4. (4) Insert a static index  

 If you do not want to automatically search for entries in the text in the index, you can also insert a static index. Simply insert a list of index entries with the @index_static@ format. Page numbers in the form @My Entry 144, 156, 192 @ are then linked to the page, i.e. you have to make sure that the page reference is correct! 

 h4. Index styles 

 |_. Common Name |_. Style Name |_. Description |_. TeX | 
 | Index heading | @index_heading@ | Heading of index | | 
 | Index entry, see (2) | @index_mark@ | Character style for encoding an index entry in the content |    |  
 | Index entry, see (3) | @index_list@ | paragraph style for an index entry in a concordance list |    |  
 | Index entry search term | @index_name@ | Character style, must be used within @index_list@ to mark the index search term separately, e.g. for _John Doe_, _Doe_ can be marked so that an index entry is also created for _Mr Doe_ |    |  
 | Index entry, see (4) | @index_static@ | Index entry in a static index list. if you insert a page number, a page reference is automatically created |    | 
 | Index type suffix (4) | @index_*_(person/location/subject)@ | suffix to add to any of the index styles above which specifies a certain index type. Needed if you want to print multiple indices in one document. |    | 

 h3. Appendix 

 Sometimes there are chapter appendices that are not assigned to the backmatter. To do this, their heading is marked with a style sheet: 

 |_. Description |_. Name |_. Description |_. TeX | 
 | Appendix heading | @appendix@ | Heading of the appendix | @\begin{heading}{chapter}@ | 

 h3. Listings 

 To create the following listings, you only need to place the heading with a specific style. The contents of the listing is automatically generated.  

 |_. Common Name |_. Style Name |_. Description |_. TeX | 
 | List of Figures | @list_of_figures@ | Heading of the LoF | @\listoffigures@    | 
 | List of Tables | @list_of_tables@ | Heading of the LoT | @\listoftables@    | 
 | Endnotes | @list_of_endnotes@ | Endnotes heading | @\printnotes@    | 

 h3. Line breaks 

 Empty paragraphs are automatically removed. To control the number of line breaks, you should mark empty paragraphs with the @lineskip@ style. You can specify the number of breaks at the end of the style name, e.g. @lineskip3@ for three breaks. A normal break (Shift + Enter) is converted to @\newline@.  

 |_. Common Name |_. Style Name |_. Description |_. TeX | 
 | line break | @lineskip@ |    |    @\vskip 1\baselineskip@    | 

 h3. Character styles 

 |_. Common Name |_. Style Name |_. Description |_. TeX | 
 | non-latin | @nonlatin@ | |     @\unichar@    | 
 | regular | @regular@ | |      | 
 | bold | @bold@ | |     @\textbf@ | 
 | itaklic | @italic@ | |     @\textit@    | 
 | small caps | @smallcaps@ | |     @\textsc@    | 
 | non breaking space | @space_nonbreaking@ |    |       | 
 | thin space | @space_thin@ |    |       | 
 | spaced | @spaced@ |    |     @\so@    | 
 | underline | @underline@ |    |      @\ul@ | 
 | linethrough | @strike_trough@ |    |     @\st@    | 
 | superscript | @superscript@ | |      @\textsuperscript@ | 
 | subscript | @subscript@ | |     @\textsubscript@ |