


Processing Instructions » Historie » Version 21

Martin Kraetke, 18.04.2024 11:14

1 1 Martin Kraetke
h1. Processing Instructions
3 8 Martin Kraetke
You can insert processing instructions by adding a text or symbol with the style @[a-z]+_pi@. This will result in a command in TeX.
4 1 Martin Kraetke
5 15 Martin Kraetke
|_. Symbol |_. Unicode |_. Name    |_. Description |
6 11 Marcus Hottenroth
|%{font-size:2em}↡%       |  U+21A1   | Pagebreak | Special pagebreak instruction. Fills the current line with text appearing after this PI before the pagebreak so that the justified text alignment will be preserved. |  
7 18 Martin Kraetke
|@\backmatter@       |   | Start backmatter | Starts the backmatter section. Necessary if the backmatter contains layouts that differ from the document body, e. g. another page numbering or changed heading markup.  | 
|@\frontmatter@ |   | Start frontmatter | Marks the beginning of the frontmatter section. Use this if your document contains layout distinctions between frontmatter and body. The frontmatter ends automatically at the first regular part, chapter, or article. |
|@~notoc@ |   | do not include in ToC | Applicable in headlines. Removes the headline from the table of contents. |
|@~noBM@ |   | do not include in PDF bookmarks | Valid in headlines. The headline will be excluded from the PDF bookmark tree. |
|@~top@ |   | float position top | Valid in figure paragraphs. The figure will be floating and positioned at the top of the page |
|@~bottom@ |   | float position bottom | Valid in figure paragraphs. The figure will be floating and positioned at the bottom of the page  |
|@~fixed@ |   | fixed position | Valid in figure paragraphs. The figure will be fixed to its location in the content. |
|@~-1@ |   | reduce paragraph | Place at the end of a paragraph. xerif attempts to shorten the paragraph by the given number of lines.  |
|@~+1@ |   | enlarge paragraph | Place at the end of a paragraph. xerif attempts to increase the paragraph by the given number of lines. |
16 19 Martin Kraetke
|@\tpNewTocPage@ |   | inserts a page break in the ToC | Place before the headline and a page break is inserted only in the ToC. |
17 21 Martin Kraetke
|@\tpLineIndent{2mm}@ |   | indent | Overrides the indent. In the curly braces, you can insert a length |